bandah ron group

bandah ron group

Saturday, January 30, 2010

a silent rainy and a silent couldy morning

Tonight i felt everything has gone in my life
no one around me
it was so silent
and I decided to walk on the street
but there had no one and not even had a car
the street is dark and the road is wet
the wind is strong
and I was feeling cold
but there had no one warming me
Walking back to my home
and lying on my bed
closing my eyes
and my tears dropped
someone has really gone in my life

Thought there will be a good morning
but it is cloudy
and make me think of the silent rainy night again
driving all the way to my office
no one is walking on the road
the car park is empty
sitting on my seat
starting to do my work
but there has nothing to do
Not even a call
MSN has no one reply
Facebook not much people online
I am wondering
is the god fooling me?

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